20 Human Body Facts You Never Learned in School
Nathan Johnson
The human body is capable of many great and terrible things. It's also a pretty fascinating organism that probably does a lot more than we give it credit for.
A lot of these facts should have been covered in science class, but your teacher was either probably too distracted or too tired to tell you about them. Luckily we have them all compiled here in one easy to read list.
You probably already know facts like that our skin is our largest organ. But did you know that you can technically survive off of eating your own hair for up to a month?
Wait...that doesn't sound right. OK our intern Tyler messed up again. We'll have to double check his work and get back to you on the hair eating thing.
In the meantime just click this and you'll get a little dose of serotonin in the brain.
A lot of these facts should have been covered in science class, but your teacher was either probably too distracted or too tired to tell you about them. Luckily we have them all compiled here in one easy to read list.
You probably already know facts like that our skin is our largest organ. But did you know that you can technically survive off of eating your own hair for up to a month?
Wait...that doesn't sound right. OK our intern Tyler messed up again. We'll have to double check his work and get back to you on the hair eating thing.
In the meantime just click this and you'll get a little dose of serotonin in the brain.
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Only humans have chins, which is a very specific bone feature that extends forward from the lower jaw. And experts aren’t even sure why we evolved to have chins. -
Humans have a bone called the hyoid that doesn’t form a joint with any bone, instead helping keep the lower mouth muscles in place. -
The gut contains 95% of the neurotransmitter serotonin which is why it’s often referred to as the “second brain.” -
People that have more body hair and innie belly buttons are more prone to lint. -
Fingernails grow faster than toenails. -
Fingernails also grow faster on your dominant hand. -
Breastfeeding will not cause breasts to sag. Pregnancy might affect the girls upstairs but research on breastfeeding confirms it will not cause them to sink. -
Half of your bones are contained within the hands and feet. Around 27 in each hand and 26 in each foot. -
You can fracture a rib just by sneezing. -
You see stars when you rub your eyes because the cells are interpreting the pressure the same way they’d treat light input. -
Goosebumps are pretty much useless. Supposedly, they were more effective when we were covered with hair, in that they would elevate the hair to make a person look bigger. Not so much these days. -
The spleen helps the immune system by creating antibodies to fight bacteria in the blood. -
Newborn babies do not see in black and white but they only have about 5% of the visual acuity that adults do. -
The liver can regenerate itself with just 25% of the original tissue. -
Some people are born with 3 kidneys but don’t often know. -
The stomach can hold up to 50 fluid ounces. -
You might know that the skin is the largest organ but adults maybe have 22-square feet of skin on their body. -
Skin makes up 15% of your total body weight. -
Humans are covered in stripes called Blaschko’s Lines but they are typically invisible. -
Humans glow but our eyes are too weak to detect it.